7 Types Of Yoma In Claymore

7 Types Of Yoma In Claymore

Yoma are beings that feed on human flesh and blood. They can shape-shift into human form that allows them to live among humans. The Organization creates them by rounding up orphan boys and sending them to the North while the girls are sent to the East to become Claymores. They are created by combining the flesh of both a humanoid and an Asarakam, which forms a parasite with abilities that is capable of infecting the brains of human hosts. The end result is a Yoma. Here are 7 types of Yoma who become the center of the series:

Normal Yoma
The most common and least powerful, they are the main source of revenue to the Organization. These Yoma vary in appearance in skin color and build. They have sharp teeth and a predatory attitude to match. Most have rows of spikes growing from their upper backs, with elongated limbs that end in clawed digits.

Winged Yoma
Winged Yoma are a rare breed and differ from their flightless kin due to their powerful wings and ability to take flight at will. Their increased mobility poses a more difficult challenge to those unlucky enough to cross their path. Aside from this advantage, however, they do not seem to demonstrate power levels any greater than that of normal Yoma.

Claymores are known also for their unnaturally long-lasting youth and life-span and are considered to be half-Yoma. Claymores, specifically those of higher rank seem to be far more powerful than the Yoma they hunt. Even lower level warriors can easily outmatch a single Yoma, and some of the more powerful Claymores can completely physically overpower Yoma.

Awakened Beings
There are a third type of Yoma called Awakened Beings, former Claymores who have lost control of their Yoki, changing into a massive Yoma-like form, and far more powerful than either Claymores and normal Yoma. While Yoma often have few variations in terms of looks, the shapes that the Awakened Beings can take on vary greatly, from bestial features to seemingly inorganic or even totally alien structures.

Abyssal Ones
Abyssal Ones are Awakened Beings that were former No.1 Claymores. Abyssal Ones' form and abilities are similar to those of Awakened Beings and Normal Yoma, but are vastly more powerful and strong enough to control an entire quadrant of the Island World of Claymore.

Abyss Feeders
The Organization tried a new line of research that resulted in the Abyss Feeders. Using the bodies of the eleven Awakened Beings killed by Alicia, the scientists implanted pure Awakened flesh into human girls and created monsters in human form, the reverse of Yoma and Claymores, who are humans that eventually attain monster form. The Feeders are blinded, have their mouths sewed up, and only respond to nearby movement. They are designed to hunt down and destroy Abyssal Ones, through tracking their scents like bloodhounds.

The Destroyer
A unique entity, The Destroyer is formed from the merged bodies of an Abyssal One (Luciela of the South) and a Claymore (Rafaela). The Destroyer is said to be more powerful than the Abyssal Ones. However, The Destroyer itself possess no will of its own, simply reacting to stimuli and nothing more, and seems to have little to no combat abilities as it does not seem to recognize singular targets. It has no core to itself, thus it has no physical weak point to target.

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