6 Types Of Aura In Hunter X Hunter

6 Types Of Aura In Hunter X Hunter

There are six types of aura. Upon learning one's own aura type, a student of Nen can learn to apply the technique into unique skills. There are percentage to indicate how efficient one would be at using aura abilities. Starting at one's own aura type which has the potential to be 100% efficient at using abilities based in that category. Then, one has the potential to be 80% efficient at using aura types adjacent to one's primary type, 40% efficient at the opposite or farthest category, and 60% efficient in the two remaining categories. Specialization is typically unusable for non-Specialists.

Aura Types

Enhancement is the ability to use aura to increase the natural abilities of an object or one's own body. Therefore, Enhancers are able to greatly increase their physical attack and defense and are best suited for melee combat. Proficient Enhancers who also take good care of their body can make it far more durable than tanks and generate the force of a missile with one blow. It is rare to find male Enhancers with supportive abilities since most of them look to increase their combat prowess. Enhancement is the most balanced category, allowing users to spread themselves evenly between offense and defense and become very powerful using only simple abilities.

An affinity for Transmutation means a person can change the properties of their aura to mimic something else, or only specific attributes. Similar to Emission, constructs created via Transmutation are pure aura, therefore they are invisible to individuals incapable of using Nen. Transmutation is often mistaken for Conjuration due to their similarities. The difference is that Transmutation allows the user to mimic the properties of a substance with their aura, whereas Conjuration changes aura into the actual substance. Transmuters are not limited to mimicking the properties of solid matter. Transmuters can also give their aura certain properties instead of replicating the characteristics of a substance in their entirety.

An affinity for Emission means that a user has an easier time separating their aura from their body. Aura usually decreases in intensity very quickly when it leaves the source body, but adept Emitters can separate their aura from their body for long periods of time, over long distances, and still be able to maintain it and its functions. Due to its properties, Emission is typically employed in abilities with an emphasis on range and those that have long-lasting effects. Basic applications include shooting out projectiles or beams of aura at high speed. Advanced applications of this Nen category include teleportation and enabling one's aura to phase through non-living matter.

In most cases, Conjuration is intended as the ability to create a physical object out of one's aura. The durability of a conjured object can generally be taken as a measure of the user's skill, although conditions can be used to strengthen it. Constructs created via Conjuration have a subtle independence to them: under certain circumstances, they can continue existing even at a considerable distance from the Conjurer, or even if the Conjurer themselves are not aware that they have yet to be de-materialized. Once a person has mastered the materialization of a certain object, they can conjure it and dispel it in an instant, whenever they want.

Abilities belonging to Manipulation allow the user to control living or non-living things, including aura constructs. The main advantage of this category in combat is the ability to manipulate the enemy themselves. Abilities of this type are especially feared since the fight can be brought to an end as soon as the conditions are met. The aura of the ability user mixes with the target's, although it is not normally noticeable. There are multiple types of mind control:
  • Soliciting: Manipulators leave the free will of the victim intact, but condition them into working in their favor. An advantage of this type of control is that it can potentially be used on several targets by consuming only a small amount of aura.
  • Coercive: Manipulators exert total control over the victim, taking over both their mind and body.
  • Pseudo-coercive: Manipulators either take over the body of the victim or trap them into a situation where they have no choice but follow the Manipulator's orders.

Specialization could be broadly defined as anything that does not belong in any of the other five categories, making it the vaguest Nen type. Accordingly, its effects are wide-ranging while others have completely different effects. Consequently, Specialists are not as much at a disadvantage as users of other Nen types if their category is revealed. Only Specialists can use this Nen type. It is currently unknown how Specialists develop their Nen abilities.

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